Sunday, September 19, 2010

Debate Strategy

Over the course of our meetings, Dr. Tisdall will often critique those participating in discussion on their debate tactics. Here are a few pointers that I remember. I will post these whenever they come up in meetings.

- Never accept someone else's assertion
- Know the difference between asking a question and stating a fact. If one of your points is true, say it as such.
- Re-frame what your opponent is saying. Tell they what they have said. Control the frame.

1 comment:


    A. When starting a discussion:

    1. What Question should we be asking?

    2. What is the standard of comparison if any quantitative data used.

    3. Define the terms used.

    B. Logic and Arguments

    1. Ad hominem (attack the person not their argument)

    2. Analogy is not proof but an illustration

    3. Hypocrisy is irrelevant

    4. Coincidence is not cause and effect

    5. Non sequitors

    C. Other techniques

    1. Lying

    2. Changing the subject

    3. False choices

    4. Straw-man argument

    5. Choice of time frame

    6. Opinion masquerading as fact

    7. Authority/majority opinion does not establish truth

    8. Pseudoexpert/celebrity

    9. Overemphasis on the available

    10. Emotional overweighting- underweighting

    11. You can't prove a negative
