Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Singularity: touchable holograms


You've heard me discuss that I think the stories humans tell, particularly about ourselves, should be renamed from Literature to Narrative. I believe this better describes the three current basic modalities: live performance, film/video and novels. There are many intermediate forms, for example comic books and cartoons. I've become increasingly aware of a new, fourth modality: interactive video games. The newest Grand Theft Auto IV uses the "criminal immigrant" experience in America as its narrative theme. Rather like The Godfather with a joy stick.
So try and imagine what touchable holograms mean as a narrative tool. What other applications will it have? After you watch the video on holograms, review your understanding of how innovation occurs (here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704631504575531790397679612.html?KEYWORDS=innovation ) How do you prepare for this future?

1 comment:

  1. I knew I had heard the 25% of growth from Walmart and the Newton quote before...

    I need to keep up with the cover-to-cover plan. So far I'm just at op-eds and interesting cover stories.
